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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR SESAME (Singularités Et Stabilité des AsservisseMEnts référencés capteurs)

Duration: 2018–2022

Participants: J.-C. Faugère, M. Safey El Din [contact].

The demand for flexible, adaptable robots capable of interacting with their environment (e.g. navigation, handling, cooperation) is growing. This is why the sensor-based controllers, which make it possible to include external sensory feedback in robot control, have been widely developed in recent years, both for industrial, medical, air, space and marine robotics and in the context of autonomous vehicles (ground mobile robotics).

The first research on sensor-based control techniques took place at the end of the 1980s, with the use of proximal and force and vision sensors, and much work has been done to improve the performance of this type of controllers, in particular by modelling various sensor primitives.

Despite the fact that, empirically, sensor-based controllers have shown that they have interesting performances, these performances are by no means guaranteed, which is a major obstacle to the widespread use of their large-scale use. This is related to the fact that, despite three decades of research on the subject, two broad classes of problems have been little explored:

  • The study of the singularities of sensor-based controllers

  • The study of their stability.

The objectives of the project SESAME are take advantage on recent mathematical advances in order to:

  • study singularities and stability of certain classes of sensor-based controllers

  • synthesize globally asymptotically stable sensor-based controllers, whose performance (i.e. convergence properties towards the desired configuration, abseance of local singularities and minima) are guaranteed in all object/sensor related configurations.

Many of the computational tools SESAME relies on involve computer algebra and polynomial system solving.

ANR Jeunes Chercheurs GALOP (Games through the lens of ALgebra and OPptimization)

Duration: 2018–2022

Participants: E. Tsigaridas [contact], F. Johansson, H. Gimbert, J.-C. Faugère, M. Safey El Din.

GALOP ( is a Young Researchers (JCJC) project with the purpose of extending the limits of the state-of-the-art algebraic tools in computer science, especially in stochastic games. It brings original and innovative algebraic tools, based on symbolic-numeric computing, that exploit the geometry and the structure and complement the state-of-the-art. We support our theoretical tools with a highly efficient open-source software for solving polynomials. Using our algebraic tools we study the geometry of the central curve of (semi-definite) optimization problems. The algebraic tools and our results from the geometry of optimization pave the way to introduce algorithms and precise bounds for stochastic games.

ANR ECARP (Efficient Certified Algorithms for Robot Motion Planning)

Duration: 2020–2024

Participants: J. Berthomieu, J.-C. Faugère, M. Safey El Din [contact].

ECARP is an international project, jointly funded by ANR and FWF (the funding agency of Austria). It targets the design and implementation of high-performance computer algebra algorithms for semi-algebraic sets in order to answer connectivity queries over those sets. This is applied to motion planning issues in robotics, e.g. for analyzing kinematic singularities ; parallel and serial manipulators will be investigated. The consortium gathers experts in geometry and robotics from J. Kepler Univ. (Austria) and LS2N (Nantes).

ANR DRN (DeRerumNatura)

Duration: 2020–2024

Participants: J. Berthomieu [contact], M. Safey El Din.

Classifying objects, determining their nature is more often than not the endgame of a theory. Yet, even the most established theory can be impractible on a concrete instance, either because of a lack of efficiency or because of a computational wall. In both cases, an algorithm is lacking: we need to systematize efficiently and automatically. This is what DRN proposes to do to solve classification problems related to numbers, analytic functions and combinactorics generating series. The consortium gathers experts in computer algebra (Inria Saclay, Limoges, Lyon, PolSys ), Combinactorics (Inria Saclay, Lyon) and Galois Theory (Toulouse, Strasbourg, Versailles).

Programme d'investissements d'avenir (PIA)

PIA grant RISQ: Regroupement of the Security Industry for Quantum-Safe security (2017-2020). The goal of the RISQ project is to prepare the security industry to the upcoming shift of classical cryptography to quantum-safe cryptography. (J.-C. Faugère [contact], and L. Perret).

The RISQ ( project is certainly the biggest industrial project ever organized in quantum-safe cryptography. RISQ is one of few projects accepted in the call Grands Défis du Numérique which is managed by BPI France, and will be funded thanks to the so-called Plan d'Investissements d'Avenir.

The RISQ project is a natural continuation of PolSys commitment to the industrial transfert of quantum-safe cryptography. RISQ is a large scale version of the HFEBoost project; which demonstrated the potential of quantum-safe cryptography.

PolSys actively participated to shape the RISQ project. PolSys is now a member of the strategic board of RISQ, and is leading the task of designing and analyzing quantum-safe algorithms. In particular, a first milestone of this task was to prepare submissions to NIST's quantum-safe standardisation process.